

yes i am worried. about what? starting with my exams ( in fact scared to death..not worried) and finishing with today's elections. 
Romania is facing the indiference of its citizens but still hoping for a better future. I am extremely happy I am not there..I am getting depressed only thinking of "I don't care","All are the same","Nothing good can happen","I have better things to do then going to vote" as convictions of citizens of a european country which deserves at least a little respect if not support from its very own inhabitants. And what is worse, is that these  are the most common opinions. Even though I always said I don't want to live in Romania ,bla bla bla ,and I am always criticising everything related to it, I just can't stay without doing nothing and waiting for the end of the world to come. It's a long waiting you know? 

And as a p.s : the country  it's not responsible for the stupidity of its leaders ;) so..go and vote ! 

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